And they said it couldn’t be done…
Today is my little sister’s high school graduation! I am very proud of her. In her final two years of high school she really buckled down and worked hard. She learned how to balance her busy social life with her studies. She also got a part-time job as a tutor to younger kids. Her part-time job helped her discover her passion for teaching and now that is the career she has decided to pursue. Last year and this year she performed especially well in school and was accepted into nearly every university she applied to. She is a perfect example of how hard work and passion can go a very long way.
At dinner last night when we toasted my little sister, my dad said a few lines from a poem. When he finished we all discussed the poem and its significance and none of us knew where it was from! My dad said that he had read it somewhere but he too couldn’t remember who it was by or what it was from so after dinner he turned to google and eventually found the poem. It is by Edgar Guest and I have posted it below. It is highly relevant to Extremely Unconventional and it resonates with my post ‘Sometimes you gotta say…‘. Ignore the naysayers, follow your passions and you will get it done!
It Couldn’t be Done
by Edgar Guest
Somebody said that it couldn’t be done,
But, he with a chuckle replied
That “maybe it couldn’t” but he would be one
Who wouldn’t say so till he’d tried.
So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin
On his face. If he worried he hid it.
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn’t be done, as he did it.
Somebody scoffed: “Oh, you’ll never do that;
At least no one we know has done it”;
But he took off his coat and he took off his hat,
And the first thing we knew he’d begun it.
With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,
Without any doubting or quiddit,
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn’t be done, and he did it.
There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,
There are thousands to prophesy failure;
There are thousands to point out to you, one by one,
The dangers that wait to assail you.
But just buckle right in with a bit of a grin,
Just take off your coat and go to it;
Just start to sing as you tackle the thing
That cannot be done, and you’ll do it.